Generated Bitcoin Address And Private Key (hdwallet) - Mmdrza.Com

Generated Bitcoin Address and Private key (hdwallet)

Generated bitcoin address and private key (hdwallet)
March 28, 2022 Python

Generated Bitcoin Address and Private key (hdwallet) With Checking Total Transaction without api key on python ,Build and produce bitcoin wallets with Python with high speed and check the number of transactions performed each wallet without the need for API with Python with a set of HDWallet , lxml, colorama,requests packages with a set of easy installation and permanent startup for Windows and Linux

Bitcoin generator software private key

Bitcoin Generator Software Private Key

  • generated bitcoin wallet private key and address
  • generated from random private key (hexer)
  • check wallet details and all transaction without apikey
  • save wallet > 0 on text file
  • easy install windows and linux (00INSTALL.cmd and

pip install hdwallet lxml requests colorama
install package

Generated bitcoin address and private key (hdwallet)

Generated Bitcoin Address And Private Key (Hdwallet)

can use easy install and running on windows this file : LINK

easy install on linux ( install package’s ) : LINK

all address bitcoin type created ( p2pkh , p2sh , p2wpkh , p2wsh )

# =====================================================
# DONATE (BTC) : 16p9y6EstGYcnofGNvUJMEGKiAWhAr1uR8
# Website : Mmdrza.Com
# Email : X4@mmdrza.Com
# =====================================================

from hdwallet import HDWallet
from hdwallet.symbols import BTC as SYMBOL
from hexer import mHash
import requests
from colorama import Fore, Style
from lxml import html, etree

def ethtx(addr):
urlblock = "" + addr
respone_block = requests.get(urlblock)
byte_string = respone_block.content
source_code = html.fromstring(byte_string)
xpatch_txid = '/html/body/main/div/div[2]/div[1]/table/tbody/tr[4]/td[2]'
treetxid = source_code.xpath(xpatch_txid)
xVol = str(treetxid[0].text_content())
return xVol

def p2shtxx(p2sh):
urlblock = "" + p2sh
respone_block = requests.get(urlblock)
byte_string = respone_block.content
source_code = html.fromstring(byte_string)
xpatch_txid = '/html/body/main/div/div[2]/div[1]/table/tbody/tr[4]/td[2]'
treetxid = source_code.xpath(xpatch_txid)
xVol = str(treetxid[0].text_content())
return xVol

def p2wshtxx(p2wsh):
urlblock = "" + p2wsh
respone_block = requests.get(urlblock)
byte_string = respone_block.content
source_code = html.fromstring(byte_string)
xpatch_txid = '/html/body/main/div/div[2]/div[1]/table/tbody/tr[4]/td[2]'
treetxid = source_code.xpath(xpatch_txid)
xVol = str(treetxid[0].text_content())
return xVol

def p2wpkhtxx(p2wpkh):
urlblock = "" + p2wpkh
respone_block = requests.get(urlblock)
byte_string = respone_block.content
source_code = html.fromstring(byte_string)
xpatch_txid = '/html/body/main/div/div[2]/div[1]/table/tbody/tr[4]/td[2]'
treetxid = source_code.xpath(xpatch_txid)
xVol = str(treetxid[0].text_content())
return xVol

z = 1
while True:
hex64 = mHash()
PRIVATE_KEY: str = hex64
hdwallet: HDWallet = HDWallet(symbol=SYMBOL)
priv = hdwallet.private_key()
addr = hdwallet.p2pkh_address()
p2sh = hdwallet.p2sh_address()
p2wsh = hdwallet.p2wsh_address()
p2wpkh = hdwallet.p2wpkh_address()
p2shtx = p2shtxx(p2sh)
p2wshtx = p2wshtxx(p2wsh)
p2wpkhtx = p2wpkhtxx(p2wpkh)
xtxid = ethtx(addr)
print(Fore.WHITE + str(z) + Fore.RED + ' - ' + Fore.RED + str(addr) + Fore.RED + ' | ' + Fore.GREEN + str(p2sh) +
Fore.RED + ' | ' + Fore.YELLOW + str(p2wsh) + Fore.RED + ' | ' + Fore.BLUE + str(p2wpkh) + Fore.RED +
'| ' + Fore.RED + 'TXiD = ' + str(xtxid) + '|' + str(p2shtx) + '|' + str(p2wshtx) + '|' + str(

z += 1
if int(xtxid) or int(p2shtx) or int(p2wshtx) or int(p2wpkhtx) > 0:
print('Winer Wallet BTC Now \nInformation Wallet :\n\n\n ADDRESS = ', str(addr), 'PRIVATE KEY = ',
str(priv), '\nBALANCE', str(xtxid))
f = open("WalletWinnerInfoBTC.txt", "a")
f.write("\nADDRESS P2PKH = " + str(addr) + " BALANCE = " + str(xtxid))
f.write("\nADDRESS P2SH : " + str(p2sh) + " BALANCE = " + str(p2shtx))
f.write("\nADDRESS P2SH : " + str(p2wsh) + " BALANCE = " + str(p2wshtx))
f.write("\nADDRESS P2SH : " + str(p2wpkh) + " BALANCE = " + str(p2wpkhtx))
f.write("\nPRIVATE KEY = " + str(priv))
print('\nSaved Information Complete ...[ ------- Mmdrza.Com ------- ]\n')

for created bitcoin address and private key p2pkh:

from hdwallet import HDWallet
from hdwallet.symbols import BTC as SYMBOL
from hexer import mHash
import requests
from colorama import Fore,Style
from lxml import html,etree

def ethtx(addr):
urlblock = "" + addr
respone_block = requests.get(urlblock)
byte_string = respone_block.content
source_code = html.fromstring(byte_string)
xpatch_txid = '/html/body/main/div/div[2]/div[1]/table/tbody/tr[4]/td[2]'
treetxid = source_code.xpath(xpatch_txid)
xVol = str(treetxid[0].text_content())
return xVol

z = 1
while True:
hex64 = mHash()
PRIVATE_KEY: str = hex64
hdwallet: HDWallet = HDWallet(symbol=SYMBOL)
priv = hdwallet.private_key()
addr = hdwallet.p2pkh_address()
xtxid = ethtx(addr)
print(Fore.WHITE,str(z),Fore.YELLOW,'Address =',Fore.RED,str(addr),Fore.BLUE,'|',Fore.GREEN,' txid =',Fore.WHITE,str(xtxid))
z += 1
if int(xtxid) > 0:
print('Winer Wallet BTC Now \nInformation Wallet :\n\n\n ADDRESS = ',str(addr),'PRIVATE KEY = ',str(priv),
f = open("WalletWinnerInfoBTC.txt","a")
f.write("\nADDRESS P2PKH = " + str(addr) + " BALANCE = " + str(xtxid))
f.write("\nPRIVATE KEY = " + str(priv))
print('\nSaved Information Complate ...[ ------- Mmdrza.Com ------- ]\n')

from hdwallet import HDWallet
from hdwallet.symbols import BTC as SYMBOL
from hexer import mHash
import requests
from colorama import Fore,Style
from lxml import html,etree

def BalTx(addr):
urlblock = "" + addr
respone_block = requests.get(urlblock)
byte_string = respone_block.content
source_code = html.fromstring(byte_string)
xpatch_txid = '/html/body/main/div/div[2]/div[1]/table/tbody/tr[4]/td[2]'
treetxid = source_code.xpath(xpatch_txid)
xVol = str(treetxid[0].text_content())
return xVol

z = 1
while True:
hex64 = mHash()
PRIVATE_KEY: str = hex64
hdwallet: HDWallet = HDWallet(symbol=SYMBOL)
priv = hdwallet.private_key()
addr = hdwallet.p2wpkh_address()
xtxid = BalTx(addr)
print(Fore.WHITE,str(z),Fore.YELLOW,'Address =',Fore.RED,str(addr),Fore.BLUE,'|',Fore.GREEN,' txid =',Fore.WHITE,str(xtxid))
z += 1
if int(xtxid) > 0:
print('Winer Wallet BTC Now \nInformation Wallet :\n\n\n ADDRESS = ',str(addr),'PRIVATE KEY = ',str(priv),
f = open("WalletWinnerInfoBTC.txt","a")
f.write("\nADDRESS P2PKH = " + str(addr) + " BALANCE = " + str(xtxid))
f.write("\nPRIVATE KEY = " + str(priv))
print('\nSaved Information Complate ...[ ------- Mmdrza.Com ------- ]\n')

from hdwallet import HDWallet
from hdwallet.symbols import BTC as SYMBOL
from hexer import mHash
import requests
from colorama import Fore,Style
from lxml import html,etree

def BalTx(addr):
urlblock = "" + addr
respone_block = requests.get(urlblock)
byte_string = respone_block.content
source_code = html.fromstring(byte_string)
xpatch_txid = '/html/body/main/div/div[2]/div[1]/table/tbody/tr[4]/td[2]'
treetxid = source_code.xpath(xpatch_txid)
xVol = str(treetxid[0].text_content())
return xVol

z = 1
while True:
hex64 = mHash()
PRIVATE_KEY: str = hex64
hdwallet: HDWallet = HDWallet(symbol=SYMBOL)
priv = hdwallet.private_key()
addr = hdwallet.p2sh_address()
xtxid = BalTx(addr)
print(Fore.WHITE,str(z),Fore.YELLOW,'Address =',Fore.RED,str(addr),Fore.BLUE,'|',Fore.GREEN,' txid =',Fore.WHITE,str(xtxid))
z += 1
if int(xtxid) > 0:
print('Winer Wallet BTC Now \nInformation Wallet :\n\n\n ADDRESS = ',str(addr),'PRIVATE KEY = ',str(priv),
f = open("WalletWinnerInfoBTC.txt","a")
f.write("\nADDRESS = " + str(addr) + " BALANCE = " + str(xtxid))
f.write("\nPRIVATE KEY = " + str(priv))
print('\nSaved Information Complate ...[ ------- Mmdrza.Com ------- ]\n')

from hdwallet import HDWallet
from hdwallet.symbols import BTC as SYMBOL
from hexer import mHash
import requests
from colorama import Fore,Style
from lxml import html,etree

def BalTx(addr):
urlblock = "" + addr
respone_block = requests.get(urlblock)
byte_string = respone_block.content
source_code = html.fromstring(byte_string)
xpatch_txid = '/html/body/main/div/div[2]/div[1]/table/tbody/tr[4]/td[2]'
treetxid = source_code.xpath(xpatch_txid)
xVol = str(treetxid[0].text_content())
return xVol

z = 1
while True:
hex64 = mHash()
PRIVATE_KEY: str = hex64
hdwallet: HDWallet = HDWallet(symbol=SYMBOL)
priv = hdwallet.private_key()
addr = hdwallet.p2wsh_address()
xtxid = BalTx(addr)
print(Fore.WHITE,str(z),Fore.YELLOW,'Address =',Fore.RED,str(addr),Fore.BLUE,'|',Fore.GREEN,' txid =',Fore.WHITE,str(xtxid))
z += 1
if int(xtxid) > 0:
print('Winer Wallet BTC Now \nInformation Wallet :\n\n\n ADDRESS = ',str(addr),'PRIVATE KEY = ',str(priv),
f = open("WalletWinnerInfoBTC.txt","a")
f.write("\nADDRESS = " + str(addr) + " BALANCE = " + str(xtxid))
f.write("\nPRIVATE KEY = " + str(priv))
print('\nSaved Information Complate ...[ ------- Mmdrza.Com ------- ]\n')

Generated bitcoin address and private key (hdwallet)


2 approved

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