Bitcoin Mining With Python (Solo Miner)

Solo Miner
Bitcoin Mining With Solo Miner On Python
New Program Source Bitcoin Free Mining with python and high speed best hash rate . use ckpool for solo miner .
Bitcoin communication to unmodified bitcoind with multiple failover to local or remote locations. – Local pool instance worker limited only by operating system resources and can be made virtually limitless through use of multiple downstream passthrough nodes.
– Proxy and passthrough modes can set up multiple failover upstream pools.
– Optional share logging.
– Virtually seamless restarts for upgrades through socket handover from exiting instances to new starting instance.
– Configurable custom coinbase signature. – Configurable instant starting and minimum difficulty. – Rapid vardiff adjustment with stable unlimited maximum difficulty handling.
– New work generation on block changes incorporate full bitcoind transaction set without delay or requiring to send transactionless work to miners thereby providing the best bitcoin network support and rewarding miners with the most transaction fees.
– Event driven communication based on communication readiness preventing slow communicating clients from delaying low latency ones.
– Stratum messaging system to running clients.Accurate pool and per client statistics.Multiple named instances can be run concurrently on the same machine.
first install this package’s :
pip install cpython
pip install cython
if use windows can run this code on .bat or .cmd file for loop for ever time to your system ,
@Echo off
Pushd "%~dp0"
goto loop
Download File
Filename | Type | Link |
SoloMiner | Python File .py | Download |
LooperWin | Shell Script .cmd / .bat | Download |
LooperLinux | Bash Script .sh sh |
Download |
BITCOIN Mining Program Free Solo Miner Bitcoin Mining tool Solo Miner
for use complete source code or download follow downloading section
def logg(msg):
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, filename="miner.log", format='%(asctime)s %(message)s') # include timestamp
def get_current_block_height():
# Returns the current network best height
r = requests.get('')
return int(r.json()['height'])
def newBlockListener():
global cHeight
while True:
network_height = get_current_block_height()
if network_height > cHeight:
logg('[*] Network has new height %d ' % network_height)
logg('[*] Our local is %d' % cHeight)
cHeight = network_height
logg('[*] Our new local after update is %d' % cHeight)
# respect Api
work_on = get_current_block_height()