Create Bitcoin Private Key Compressed and Un Compressed Address HEX WIF

On This Code Can Generated Bitcoin Compressed Address And UnCompressed Address From Bytes Key with os package .

first Generate Bytes Random With os.urandom(32)  after generated create hex() in ended code private key hex founded now  use bit package and use bytes_to_wif generate WIF key after generated with wif can generated compressed address and uncompressed address  with Key(wif) .

1 – Generate Random Bytes and HEX with os.urandom in Python:

[coding-blocks block=”generaterandombytes”]

2- Convert Bytes To wif Compressed and WIF Un Compressed With bit.format import bytes_to_wif

[coding-blocks block=”generate-wif-compressed-and-uncompressed”]

3 – Generate Compressed Bitcoin Address and Un Compressed Bitcoin Address Wallet From WIF:

[coding-blocks block=”generate-compressed-and-un-compressed-bitcoin-wallet-address”]

full code example :

[coding-blocks block=”howtocreatebitcoinprivatekeyandaddresscompressedanduncompressed”]